Frequently Asked Questions

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Our professional team has years of experience installing, servicing, and repairing mosquito systems. Florida Mosquito Systems can help you deal with mosquitoes in various environments. Regardless of where or when, our goal remains ensuring our services are effective to you, our clients. With that said, there are several things you need to know about mosquitoes and the dangers they pose to you and your family or workers. If you don’t find an answer to your questions here, feel free to reach out to us.

What type of pathogens do mosquitos carry?

Here in the States, mosquitoes are known to carry viruses like the Zika Virus or the West Nile Virus. Most people that contract these viruses are infected when bitten by a mosquito carrier. Although our current medical technology can help you overcome these viruses, it’s safer for you not to contract these illnesses in the first place.

How do mosquitoes acquire these serious viruses?

Mosquitoes become infected after feeding on infected humans or animals. Although the viruses usually originate from sub-tropical and tropical climates, such as South America or Africa, the virus can spread to the States. Thankfully, most people who become infected don’t fall deathly ill.

When are most mosquitoes active?

Different mosquito species are active at various times of the day and even in different seasons. While the belief that mosquitoes are only active during the summer isn’t completely incorrect, it’s less about the season and more about the temperature. Some species thrive in colder weather, while others hibernate and wait for warmer temperatures. But, as most people can tell, the vast majority of mosquitoes make their presence known when the climate warms up.

How do I prevent my system’s nozzle from getting clogged so often?

You need to filter out your water as often as possible. Hard water deposits are going to be a natural recurring part of the misting system. To remove these deposits, first remove the clogged nozzle from the system. Then, remove the O-ring from the misting vent. Soak the clogged nozzle or nozzles in white vinegar or CLR for an hour or more. Afterward, thoroughly rinse the nozzle. After flushing the misting lines, mount the nozzles back onto their positions. If this method doesn’t work, call Florida Mosquito Systems for our technicians to come check out the underlying issue.

How effective are mosquito misting systems?
According to a research study funded by the state of Florida and conducted at Florida State University, mosquito control is highly effective and important, especially in our climates.

How are misting systems more effective than repellents & other control products?

No mosquito control system or product is 100% effective at warding off mosquitoes. Some products are better at keeping them at bay than others. Mosquito repellents and most standard control products are less effective at eliminating adult mosquitoes from your vicinity than misting systems. Not to mention, you have to regularly replace those products as they lose their effective or you run out. On the other hand, our misting systems last longer, are better at controlling the mosquito population, and are more cost-effective.

Have Any More Questions?

If you have any other questions regarding mosquitoes or our misting systems, contact Florida Mosquito Systems. Understanding your options allows you to make the best decision for you. Our representatives are more than happy to discuss our services and how you can benefit from them. Contact us today by calling (850) 704-0783.